Travel Stories

In our world, these stories are probably fictional. They are meant to give you insights into the vibes of specific locations and help you handle a variety of situations.

How Brad Survived in the Arctic While Avoiding the Polar Bears

How Brad Survived in the Arctic While Avoiding the Polar Bears

Note: This is a fictional survival guide. For the non-fictional survival guide, see How to Survive in an Arctic Environment. Synopsis Brad is back—yep, the same Brad who survived the Sahara Desert, where he almost became a human raisin and somehow befriended a camel....

How Brad Survived in a Desert and Befriended a Camel

How Brad Survived in a Desert and Befriended a Camel

Note: This is a fictional survival guide. For the non-fictional survival guide, see How to Survive in a Hot Desert. Synopsis Meet Brad, a 20-year-old computer programmer from Silicon Valley. Picture this: messy brown hair that looks like it’s constantly recovering...

Aerial view of Bukhara, historic silk road, Uzbekistan

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